Youth ward

Head of ward:

Dr. Anatoly Kosov,

specialist in children and youth psychiatry

Head nurse:   04-8559355
Department Secretary:  


04-8559358 Fax:


E-mail: [email protected]
Specialists in child and youth psychiatry: Dr. 04-8559363
Dr. 04-8559362
Social Worker: work days Sun. - Thur
Occupational Therapist: Ms.  
Psychologist: Monday Tuesday Wednesday 04-8559364/341

The composition of the Ward's staff in terms of trade areas:
Doctors, a social worker, psychologists, an occupational therapist, nurses, Maor School educational staff, including art therapists: Music, movement, drama, and animal therapy.

Visiting hours at the ward: 16:00 to 20:00.
Public reception hours: By various staff members by phone appointment.

Nurse Station Phone:  



Public phone: Advanced wing: 04-8570009
Restricted wing: 04-8572300

Ward description:
The ward belongs to the division of children and youth of the Maale Hacarmel Mental Health center, and is designed to serve youth from across the region, including Haifa and its suburbs, Acre and Carmiel in the north, Nesher, Tivon, Nazareth, Afula and Beit Shean in the East, Tirat Carmel, Atlit, Daliat El Carmel, Ussafiya, Hof Hacarmel settlements and Wadi Ara settlements and Hadera in the south aged: 12-21.

The ward provides follow-up treatment through hospitalization (for inpatients and outpatients) for adolescents suffering from mental disorders: Schizophrenia, borderline personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), antisocial behavior, anxiety disorders, depression, minor crises,

Court orders for mental evaluation for presenting the court with an opinion, mental disorders arising from drug abuse.
The ward is recognized for Children and Youth Psychiatry internship by the Scientific Council of the Medical Association. In addition the ward also serves as a clinical field for training interns in the fields of clinical psychology, medicine, psychology, social work, occupational therapy, nursing, and other care-related areas.

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